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Артикул товара: 10172461337

Небесный Ураган / Люминарк Хиша

Артикул товара
Небесный ураган / Luminark of Hysh
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Model z kategorii "Available to order" na stronie producenta, czyli jest zapakowany w białym pudełku bez grafiki, z logo Games Workshop

Produkt oryginalny. Do samodzielnego złożenia i pomalowania. Nie zawiera farb ani kleju.

Z zestawu można złożyć Celestial Hurricanum lub Luminark of Hysh

Opis producenta:

- The Luminark of Hysh is a magical war machine capable of unleashing a blinding white light through its arcane optics, which manifests in a destructive beam of soulfire that vaporizes anything in its path.

The Luminark of Hysh is a majestic and incredibly ornate kit that would stand out in any Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection. The elaborate carriage evokes a reliquary with its ornate, gothic arch and skull motifs, and is covered in astrological symbols and candles. The carriage bears an enormous device, featuring lenses of increasing size, and is bedecked in icons. A further platform behind these lenses bears a long-robed Acolyte, and another can be seen standing within the carriage. This enormous contraption is pulled by two horses bedecked in resplendent armour.

This multi-part plastic kit contains 108 components with which to build one Celestial Hurricanum or Luminark of Hysh. This kit comes with one 50x100mm monster base and one 20mm square base should you wish to make the White Battlemage on foot.

This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.

- Celestial Hurricanum

Battlemages require arcane foci and esoteric machineries to channel their sorcerous powers. Using celestial orreries, etheric lenses and enchanted objects like masks, orbs, staves and hourglasses, they work their spells. The Celestial Hurricanum is one such device, capable of unparalleled destruction.

The Celestial Hurricanum is a majestic and incredibly impressive kit that would stand out in any Warhammer Age of Sigmar collection. The elaborate carriage evokes a reliquary with its ornate, gothic arch and skull motifs, and is covered in astrological symbols. The carriage bears aloft a viewing platform featuring skulls and telescopes, on which a Battlemage stands, surrounded by arcane instruments. He stands in the shadow of an immense orrery which acts as a focus for sorcerous power and can unleash terrifying magical storms. This enormous contraption is pulled by two horses bedecked in resplendent armour.

This multi-part plastic kit contains 108 components with which to build one Celestial Hurricanum or Luminark of Hysh. This kit comes with one 50x100mm monster base and one 20mm square base should you wish to make the Celestial Battlemage on foot.

This kit is supplied unpainted and requires assembly - we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel Paints.

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Купить Небесный Ураган / Люминарк Хиша по выгодной цене 7 594 ₽ с доставкой из Польши в Калининград, по России и в страны СНГ, вы можете на сайте Aredi! Мы доставляем Музыка из Allegro и других​ ​магазинов​ ​Польши!

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