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Том битвы: Ogor Mawtribes 2019 [RUS]

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Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes 2019 [ENG]
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Battletome: Ogor Mawtribes 2019 [ENG]

Kod producenta: 95-03

Producent: Games Workshop

Książka armii do Age of Sigmar.

Opis ze strony producenta:

Ogors are rotund brutes entirely obsessed with eating and fighting. They rampage across the Mortal Realms on an endless, cyclical Mawpath, devouring everything they set their piggish eyes upon. Enemies are blasted apart by blackpowder cannons, gored by long-tusked beasts of the frozen wastes and trampled by a sweaty, bellowing mass of flesh. Only the lucky ones are dead before the ogors start to eat them.

Inside this 120-page book you'll find overview of the Ogor Mawtribes and their two main cultures, which are united by their worship of Gorkamorka. A huge selection of rules gives you countless ways to play with your Ogor collection. Allegiance abilities bolster dedicated forces of Ogor Mawtribes, while rules for several legendary tribes allow you to tailor your army to suit your play style. Warscroll battalions reward you for fielding specific combinations of models, while Path to Glory warband creation rules and bespoke Ogor missions are perfect for your first few games. This battletome is also a great resource for collectors, featuring tips for painting details like rusted blades and ice weapons, as well as a showcase of beautifully painted Citadel miniatures to inspire your own collection.

This battletome contains:

– Lore and art that explores the history of the Ogor Mawtribes, and how they battle today

– A showcase of beautifully painted miniatures

– Painting advice including examples of different skin, rusted blades, gut-plates, clothes, tattoos, ice weapons, banner symbols, fur and more

– Allegiance abilities for Ogor Mawtribes, including a table of battle traits, four command trait tables, four artefacts of power tables, the Lore of Gutmagic and Lore of the Sun-Eater spell tables, an Everwinter Prayers table, and two mount traits tables

– 10 warscroll battalions for fielding different combinations of models

– 22 unit warscrolls and a scenery warscroll for the Great Mawpot

– Pitched battle profiles for all units featured in this Battletome and the Great Mawpot, including min/max unit sizes, points values and battlefield roles

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